Gracie Padrón Steimle

Marketing Strategist, Creative Director, author, speaker, and Entrepreneur


January 13

Title lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecuteur.

January 13, 1–3PM, Location Lorem Ipsum

Body short intro description lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecuteur diam no nummy adpiscing elit. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecuteur diam no nummy adpiscing elit.

January 13

Title lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecuteur.

January 13, 1–3PM, Location Lorem Ipsum

Body short intro description lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecuteur diam no nummy adpiscing elit. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecuteur diam no nummy adpiscing elit.

April 6, 2025 12:00 pm

Texas Association of Museums Conference

AT&T Hotel and Conference Center, Austin, TX

TAM will be celebrating its 50th conference anniversary with the TAM 2025 Annual Conference in Austin, Texas, from April 6th to April 9th, 2025

June 19, 2025 12:00 pm

BSNM Juneteeth@160th

Buffalo Soldiers National Museum

In 2025, the Center for African American Military History (CAAMH), which operates the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum (BSNM), will celebrate the 160th Anniversary of Juneteenth with a three-day celebration (June 19-21) centered on community engagement, empowerment, and education.

Interested in booking Gracie as a speaker for your event?

LATEST Appearance

Listen to Gracie speak about B2B marketing and the branding of Padrón & Co. on the inaugural episode of Justin Lynch's Boring 2 Badass Podcast.

Boring 2 Badass

Breaking the Mold (B2B Branding)

in the Press

Meet Gracie Padrón Steimle | Creative Director & Founder

Shoutout HTX

March 9, 2022

Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce to Hold the Woodlands North Houston Summit for Women

Woodlands Online

November 9, 2021



Gracie was born in Camaguey, Cuba, and immigrated to Miami in 1996 with her parents and brother. She learned English quickly and followed in her mother’s footsteps as a graphic designer all through college. 

At 21, she was hired as part of an international design team for a British polymerics company. Her work would go on to be distributed across 22 countries in various languages. She then handled marketing, data visualization, corporate branding, and web design at EAC Consulting over four years.

In 2016, she was selected to be the graphic designer for Houston Grand Opera where she was given an inside look at the difficulties nonprofit employees face every day. A mere year later at the age of 26, she had enough contacts and clients to start what was then called Padrón Design Studio, which offered digital marketing and graphic design services to mostly performing arts nonprofits and small businesses.

Her business grew slowly but confidently, until the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonprofits were suddenly forced to pivot to digital marketing like never before to keep their programs alive and 20 new clients onboarded in a single year. In February 2022, after five years of consistent growth, her firm was renamed Padrón & Co. to better capture the wide range of marketing services offered by her staff.

Now, after eight years as creative director and lead marketing strategist, Gracie has helped over 100 companies grow their causes, raise more money, reach more people in need, and get more visitors to their sites. Her work in support of capital campaigns have helped nonprofits bring in over $25 million in donations and grants, and her work with small businesses has helped them accrue over $100 million in new government work.

Her clients have included Space Center Houston, Planned Parenthood, The Air Force Heritage Flight Foundation, Undies for Everyone, The Alley Theatre, Good Reason Houston, Midtown Houston, IndieFlix Streaming, the Medical Benevolence Foundation, the Art Car Parade, and many, many more.

In her free time, she also mentors young girls (especially immigrants like herself) through her work on the board of Women on the Way Up. Every spare second is dedicated to her wonderful husband Alex, and her two sons, Matthew and Henry.

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